Here comes the big news for the TV actor Gaurav Chopra’s fans as their favorite star has got a new family member. After being struck with two big tragedies when he was seen losing his parents in just a few years, he has finally got good news for him and his family. The actor’s mother left this world with pancreatic cancer while his father died due to the COVID 19 virus. The loss has made the actor lose his heart as he was alone in the world with no elders around.
However, he now has been blessed with a baby boy, which seemed to have multiplied happiness in his life making him free from the anguish and sadness. He was quick to share the same news as he was expecting the new family members. Check his Instagram message.
He and his wife Hitish have been blessed with a baby boy and their message on Instagram speaks a lot about it. They have shared how their life would be a roller coaster ride with the new family member now in their family. He thanked everyone for the love and support. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.