Just when Karan Johar issued his statement denying reports of having drugs in his 2019 party, we now hear that the man has been trolled badly on Twitter. The filmmaker’s man was arrested earlier in this connection and he is expected to be called by the NCB soon. Two of his employees named Kshitij Prasad and Anubhav Chopra have been arrested by the NCB in this connection and now Karan Johar is likely to be called by the agency soon.
First check what Karan has to say in his defense and then how he was trolled by people on social media:
Check the trolls:
He is shame for our society. #KaranJohar
— Rolly Singh12 (@Roll1210) September 26, 2020
#KaranJohar this is a simple act of sidelining yourself and scapegoating your employees. Good tactic. Let’s see how long this will last. Sad that there is no trust left in a word you say to the people who made you by watching your movies! All the best, but luck will run out.. https://t.co/Kw99zatw5V
— itsKS (@karunks24) September 26, 2020
OMG! Now Karan Johar has thrown his executive producers Kshitij & Anubhav under the bus. Disassociates himself from both. Just like Salman doesn’t own Kwan! These people are slimy and dangerous! #karanjohar
Youngsters,lesson learnt is never do anything unlawful even for a boss! pic.twitter.com/KICHSpKh3b
— इन्द्र दमन तिवारी (@DamanIndra) September 26, 2020
After watching #KaranJohar and #StandWithDeepika in trending.
Le me: pic.twitter.com/umiVTpu57j— Sohel Khan INC (@Sohelrana5252) September 26, 2020
And soon you’ll say you’re not from Earth! And soon you will disown each and every relation, be it professional or personal! Wish you controlled your tongue while thinking ill of SSR. Now authorities have set the seal on Bollywood-underworld links! Hasta La Vista! #KaranJohar https://t.co/tXeOJ9V2sY
— Krete.S (@kcrete_sha) September 26, 2020