Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon come forward for their second film Bhediya after SRK and Kajol film Diwali, they seemed to have collaborated with a horror comedy. The makers have hit the film on the floor and soon they were able to embark upon a teaser to announce the same. With the success of Stree, we now see horror comedy becoming the new norm of the day. The film Roohi and now Bhediya are now seen hitting the floor and the makers were quick to release the same in the media.
Well, time to check the teaser as Varun Dhawan was quick to share the same as under:
Even Kriti Sanon shared it later on her Instagram handle. While as know even the same film producers are involved in another film Roohi, which is all set to release soon, the leading lady of the film has shared its trailer, which seemed to have gained a good buzz around. Check what she wrote while sharing the trailer. Both the films Stree and Roohi were quick to join the horror comedy film by Vijan. The film is all set to release on 14th April 2022. Stay tuned to know more about the show only with us.