In the early hours of Thursday morning, Alia Bhatt was captured by paparazzi as she arrived at the Mumbai airport. Sporting a vibrant, multi-coloured crochet heart cardigan paired with jeans, she was en route to Sao Paulo, Brazil for the Netflix Tudum 2023 event, representing the cast of her Hollywood debut film, “Heart Of Stone”. Coincidentally, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif were also spotted at the Mumbai airport around the same time, preparing for an undisclosed trip. Little did anyone know, Alia Bhatt and the Vicky-Katrina duo had an unexpected encounter and even spent some time together while waiting for their respective flights. A video of their interaction at the First Class lounge in Mumbai Airport has since surfaced on the internet, capturing a memorable moment.
The viral video showcases Alia Bhatt warmly hugging Vicky Kaushal as she enters the lounge. Soon after, Alia, Katrina, and Vicky are seen seated at a table, engaged in a lively conversation. While Vicky and Katrina opt for all-black ensembles, Alia remains in her distinctive cardigan, with her hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. The video has sparked excitement among fans, who were thrilled to witness this unexpected gathering of Bollywood stars.
It’s worth noting that Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal previously shared the screen in Meghna Gulzar’s acclaimed film, “Raazi”. Additionally, Alia and Katrina are set to star alongside each other in Farhan Akhtar’s upcoming road trip movie, “Jee Le Zaraa”, which also features Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Since the film’s announcement in August 2021, anticipation has been building among fans for this exciting collaboration.
In a separate update, Alia Bhatt confirmed her participation at Tudum 2023 in Sao Paulo. Shortly after being spotted at the Mumbai Airport, she shared two pictures of herself in the same outfit on social media. The images appeared to have been taken before her departure. Alongside the photos, Alia wrote, “No heart of stone here… just one filled with love… en route #Tudum #SãoPaulo”, expressing her enthusiasm for the event.
The unexpected convergence of Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, and Katrina Kaif at the airport lounge created a buzz among fans and left them eagerly anticipating more glimpses of this star-studded encounter. The video served as a delightful reminder of the camaraderie shared by these talented actors within the industry, further fueling excitement for their upcoming projects.