We have been hearing a lot about Varun Dhawan’s personal life. She was spotted with the lady Natasha Dalal. The two have been together since long and have even confessed about their love too many times. Their marriage plans were often the question of Varun’s fans and now it’s a good news for them as their favorite actor is going to marry soon. Yes, you heard it right, the actor is all set to get hitched with his girlfriend Natasha Dalal by this month’s end itself.
As per the entertainment portal called Pinkvilla, the couple had visited Alibaug to book a five star hotel for their upcoming pre-wedding activities. Since the pandemic time is yet to end, we see them have a limited guest list with few restrictions as well, hence they have decided to keep their wedding event away from the city. It will be a complete Punjabi wedding in a fat style with limited guests not exceeding 200 people. Both the Dhawan and Dalal families have decided to restrict the guests but they are not going to compromise on the celebration part.
While talking about his marriage plans, Varun’s father said he is also waiting to see when and how things will happen and would therefore inform his fans. He had hinted earlier that the marriage will be going to be arranged soon and it will be a fat wedding for sure. However, he did not hint about the dates so what we hear is some sources here and there stating about it, which might come true once the family announces it. Both Natasha and Varun have been friends since long and thus they are called childhood sweethearts.