Yes, you heard it right, the actor Varun Dhawan was recently tested positive for the lethal virus and he is now recovering from the same. The actor himself confessed about the same and now is recovering fast. While talking about the same, the actor was seen shooting for his next film Jug Jugg Jeeyo in Chandigarh. It was here when he was tested positive for the virus and soon was seen taking all the necessary preventive measurements to recover.
He was quick to share his experiences on Instagram where he shared one of his screenshots from his video call. He added the caption saying that he has returned to work after getting the victim of COVID 19. He added that he is now taking all the preventive measurements by him and even the production unit. However, he feels that nothing seems to be permanent as people are still becoming the victim of the virus.
He then appealed to his fans not to more freely outside the world and remain conscious while they are getting exposed in public life. He said he is taking all care and now it’s time to take care of others. Besides the actor, the lady Neetu Kapoor and the director Raj Mehta too have tested positive for the virus and they have returned to Bombay for treatment. They are all now recovering from the same. Well, it’s time to check the long message of Varun Dhawan as under: