It was Yash Raj Films,which gave Ranveer the break in Bollywood with the film Band Baja Baraat in 2010. They are one of the leading production houses in the Indian film industry, recently have given the hit Pathaan which was much needed for SRK. However, with Ranveer Singh, their chemistry seems to be failing. If you believe the reports, they will be taking a break from actor Ranveer Singh after his hat-trick of flops. This decision may come as a surprise to many, as Singh has been a popular and successful actor in Bollywood for several years.
Singh has been associated with Yash Raj Films since his debut film “Band Baaja Baaraat” in 2010. He has delivered several successful films under the banner, including “Befikre,” Padmavat and Bajirao Mastani to name a few. Also, with Yash Raj, he has a good record as well. However, his recent releases, including “Cirkus,” “Jayeshbhai Jordar,” and “83,” have failed to live up to expectations at the box office.
Yash Raj Films believe in taking creative risks and exploring new ideas, but they also understand the importance of delivering successful films to their audiences. They further stated that they have decided to take a break from working with Ranveer Singh for the time being and explore new talent. This decision will spark mixed reactions among fans and industry insiders. While some have expressed disappointment over Singh’s absence from Yash Raj Films’ upcoming projects, others have applauded the production house for their decision to try out new talent and take risks.
It is worth noting that Ranveer Singh is still a sought-after actor in Bollywood and has several projects lined up with other production houses. He will be seen in films such as Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani” in the near future. Only time will tell how this decision will affect the future of both Yash Raj Films and Ranveer Singh’s career.