Ajay Devgn and Tabu have worked together in several hit films over the years, including Dhrishyam, Dhrishyam 2, Vijaypath, and Golmaal Again. He is now seen in Bholaa against Tabu. In a recent interaction with his fans on Twitter, the actor was asked why he only seems to do films with Tabu, and his response was both humorous and insightful.
Ajay Devgn’s response to the question was a tongue-in-cheek remark, which drew laughter from both the interviewer and the audience. He said, ” he got all his dates”. Then followed another set of tweets coming from fans, which he replied judiciously. How about checking the tweets coming to him on his wall, have a look:
Dates mil gaye uske ???? https://t.co/rxJnQYpiMM
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) March 14, 2023
Paison ka pata nahi, umeed karta hoon aapka pyaar khoob kamaye https://t.co/L6LWLI8Rws
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) March 14, 2023
Chalo, back to work now ???? #AskBholaa was fun
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) March 14, 2023
While Devgn’s response was meant to be humorous, it also speaks to the chemistry and rapport that he shares with Tabu onscreen. The two actors have worked together in several successful films, and their chemistry is evident in their performances.
Tabu, for her part, has also spoken about her onscreen chemistry with Devgn in the past. In an interview, she said, “There’s a comfort level, there’s a respect for each other’s work. We both know that if we’re working together, we’re going to create something interesting.”
Despite their successful collaborations, it’s worth noting that Devgn and Tabu have also worked on projects independently of each other. Devgn has had successful collaborations with other actors, such as Kajol, while Tabu has worked with a variety of directors and actors over the years. While they may continue to work together in the future, it’s clear that they are both talented actors who can hold their own onscreen, with or without each other.