Kapil Shama has been away from his show as his comedy show is off air at the moment. He was recently seen at the Mumbai Airport when he was moving out the premises in a wheelchair. Soon netizens across the country wanted to know as to what happened to him as he was pushed out in the wheelchair. However, a majority of people were seen noticing his rude behavior with the media outside waiting to catch him alive with their cameras. He went on to say them Ullu Ke Patte and got lost while he walked out of the airport.
We know how the media follows celebrities from their gyms, to airports to other places and at times it becomes difficult for them to handle the same. The comedian as you can see in his black look giving angry poses to the media saying get away from his sight and not you all misbehave were the words of the comedian. Later he went to call him Ullu Ke Patthe, which made a few unnerved with his behavior. You can take a look at the video as the leading portal Koimoi shares on its official social media handle:
Kapil has been making such news earlier as well and we have seen success getting into his head. His fight way back to India from Melbourne is a classic example when he under the influence of alcohol abused his fellow comedians like Ali Asghar, and Sunil Grover to name a few. This led to the spat between them allowing them to get away from the show the moment their contract ended. This made Kapil to work hard and return with a new comedian cast including Krushna Abhishek and Bharti Singh.