Kangana Ranaut has been dominating a lot these days in the media. All thanks to her vociferous replies on various issues. Right from replying with tough words to the veteran actress Jaya Bachchan, she has been targeting others also coming in her way. In the recent buzz, she claimed that Sushant Singh Rajput has been in a relationship with Sara Ali Khan ever since they came in touch with their film together called Kedarnath. However, it was the Bollywood mafia that came in their way.
Yes, you heard it right, in her recent interview she blamed that since Sushant was an outsider and Sara Ali Khan is a star kid, the Bollywood mafia did not digest their relationship, hence created all the trouble. She said that it was the same movie mafia that banned Sushant, which further did not help him get any film. She went on to refer to the statement of Kareena Kapoor Khan how she discouraged Sara Ali Khan saying that she should not date a hero from her first film.
Thus Kangana claims that it was the entire Bollywood industry that came in their way ensuring that the breakup. She called these people as emotional vultures who were there behind assassinating this man. She claimed that Sushant was ridiculed all the time that made him feel that she is being cornered. She then added saying that this very group is now targeting her. Although Sara Ali Khan is yet to say anything on this issue. Her name, however, has surfaced during the investigation of NCB with Rhea and others on the drug connection. Stay tuned to know more about her and others only with us.